Hemp Fibre - the Crown Jewel of the Ancient Chinese Textile World.
Hemp fibre was the first textile materia l used by man for clothing, dating back as far as 5,000 years ago. The source of hemp fibre is the hemp plant, which is diverse, and hemp fabrics are also varied and different . What hemp plants do you know? Cannabis sativa Cannabis sativa L. is native to Sikkim, Bhutan, India and Central Asia. Cannabis is a dioecious plant and is usually used for different purposes depending on the differences in its vegetative characteristics. Generally speaking, male cannabis uses its fibres mainly for weaving, making hemp rope, twine, hemp paper, etc. Female cannabis is mainly used to extract its seeds to oil, used for oil or burning lamps for lighting. Cannabis fibres are fine and strong, so in addition to being used directly for weaving, they can also be used as padding for winter clothing. Boehmeria nivea Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaudich. is a perennial ramie herb of the genus Urticaceae, and can be harvested three tim...